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Windy Day at Marina Del Rey

Entered to participate in the SMWYC BBQ Race on Sunday (4/26). Short on crew, only Lehlay and I. The weather report was for 10-12 knot winds, between 2-4pm NOAA reported gusts upto 20 knots with constant winds 15-18 knots. The Official race was canceled, however, Mistral set up a fun pick-up two lap race inside the marina. From the Tuesday start to the last buoy inside the channel and back. I had a very hard time keeping Sea Bear under control. When I reefed the jib we didn't move , yet when I opened it up we were over powered. Sailing in these conditions with only two people is very difficult. I need to work more and learn how to handle this type of wind. I came home exhausted, almost all of my muscles ached.

Sea Bear is racing again this week, Tuesday 4/28 - Dock time 5:15 PM, Wednesday 5/29 - Dock time 5:15 PM.

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